The opening reception for my Layers of Vanity series was a success! My paintings were glowing on white walls, I was surrounded by amazing people, the art conversations were rich, and there were sweet treats to eat. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out, and to those that tried but couldn't quite get there! If you haven't been out to the show, good news, it'll be up through the month of April. No excuses ;)
The evening of Thursday, March 7th went something like this...
Started the evening off pretty worked up... walking around frantically
and making phone calls apparently. The goody table is well laid out
though! I made oreo truffles and red velvet cake balls. Another
indulgence of mine aside from shoes, make-up, etc. I thought it was
fitting. Yum!
My sister sent my flowers! She's the best.
What? Two of my best friends from New York are here!? I was a puddle.
BEST SURPRISE EVER! I absolutely adore these girls.
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The evening got hot. There was such great energy. The feedback I was
getting was awesome. It was nice watching people do the "art gallery
dance" (getting close and moving back from my paintings while
investigating what was going on).
I was able to catch up with friends I haven't seen in way too long.
Mich is standing in front of the painting she bought! Army of Lipsticks will be in good hands. |
My guy, Brett. I cannot even begin to describe the behind-the-scenes work he did to make this night a success. Thank you!
I wouldn't be here without the rents. I appreciate everything they do
for me. They traveled all the way from New York to show support! Now
that's true love <3
The End |
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